Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I find it completely fitting that my first post on my brand new blog starts on the first day of a brand new year... January 1st, 2013!
As another new year begins, most people make promises to themselves about the year to come, and call them "New Years Resolutions". Some get fulfilled... but lets be honest, most don't. For me, 2013 is going to be all about reshaping my life in whatever ways it takes to make myself as happy as possible. Working hard to reshape my body, my mind, and my surroundings. Since becoming a wife and a mom I've lost "me"... due to the fact that my time is now spent taking care of everyone else (the definition of a mom). I believe that the mood of a household depends on the mood of the Mommy, completely blind to what put her in that mood. I've forgotten what it means to be an individual and I find myself completely self-conscious when my kids aren't with me. This year I'm going to figure out how to have fun again (not involving Barbies and Play-doh) and get myself out of the slump I've been in for 4 years now. I'm exhausted from the "challenges" life has thrown at me over those years and I'm ready to figure out a way to get past it all. I love my kids SO much that I need to be able to assure myself I'm doing everything I can to be the mom that they deserve, which means being and feeling healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. The next few days I'll be deleting "friends" from Facebook and my life, as I'm tired of entertaining people who don't return the effort of a friendship or who I've had to pretend to like simply because they know my husband. I've taken a lot of time lately to think about my life and where it's going and I've found myself wishing there was a way to see ourselves in the future, so that today's choices could be more easily made. It's hard to know which path is the one that will lead us to a happier tomorrow. I'm determined to figure it out... for my own sanity. ;) So here's to 2013 being full of its own challenges, its own happiness, and its own answers to life. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

...And thanks for reading my blog! ;)

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