Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today, we made Play-Doh.

I really have a love/hate relationship with Play-Doh. It's so fun and yes, my kids LOVE it, but why does it have to be so messy?! The stuff you buy at the store is horrible. It crumbles and leaves tiny pieces stuck to everything. And it's not fun trying to pick off the tiny pieces that have embedded themselves on your 2 year old's pants, in an attempt to prevent a freak-out over dirty pants...

The key is to make your own. It's WAY less crumbly and you can make it any color. Now, there are at least 923743997 million different recipes for homemade Play-Doh on the internet. They are all basically the same, with just a few changes. I've figured out what works best for me, and so I will post the recipe, with picture directions, below. Whip up a couple batches (or double batches), and your kids will love it. Kids get bored so easily in the winter that this is a great way to help pass some time. :)

What you will need:
1 cup  Flour
1 cup Water
2 teaspoons  Cream of Tartar (found by the spices)
1/3 cup  Salt (A lot of recipes call for 1/2 cup, but 1/3 leaves the Play-Doh feeling smoother.)
1 tablespoon  Vegetable Oil (Some recipes say to use Baby Oil... DO NOT! Horribly greasy!)
Food Coloring!

Start by mixing all the ingredients (except food coloring), in a saucepan (or whatever works best for you...). Below is what it will look like before you start mixing it all together. Pretty simple.

Next, start cooking over low heat, making sure to keep stirring it. Should look like this:

Once it begins to thicken, add the food coloring. (You can also do this after the Play-Doh is done cooking, just makes a bigger mess.) I like to use the Neon food coloring... makes for some really fun colors for the kids. Plus, it's bright and cheery! :)

After adding the food coloring, continue stirring until the mixture is much thicker and begins to gather around the spoon. At this point, it will look like the picture below, and you will think you (somehow) screwed up. You did not. It just looks like a nasty, sticky mess. Do not worry. Do not give up. Every time I make it, I always think I did something wrong, only to discover perfect Play-Doh has been made!

The cooking is done. (Yay!) Remove the Play-Doh and let it cool. I suggest putting it on Wax Paper to let it cool and to finish squishing it together to mix the color in better and get the right consistency. Now, tell the kids you're still making it (shhh!), and go ahead, play with it. Play-Doh is amazing and even as adults, it's STILL pretty darn fun!

We ended up making all 4 colors today, because, why not?! :) I like to store it in Zip Lock Bags... it keeps REALLY well!

The girls approved! :)

Oh yea, I can't forget that halfway through our Play-Doh making extravaganza, Aussie (my 2 year old) had a potty accident on the family room carpet. Never fails. She hasn't had any accidents in months, completely potty trained, and then as soon as Mommy has something on the stove, Tadaaaaa! Seriously.
So, I figured I'd let you all know about a handy machine I use to clean up such accidents. My genius mother gave my sis and I these "Green Machines" when we started having kids. It's perfect. When you have kids, you know that half of your day is spent cleaning up or wiping off many types of bodily fluids, and this wonderful invention sure does help! :) Every parent needs one!

With that said, it was a successful Play-Doh making day! :)

Worm Cupcakes anyone?! (Made by Aussie!)

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